Book Review: The Golden Couple

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for my advance copy of The Golden Couple in exchange for my honest review! (Yup, this is one is so delayed I actually bought a copy of the book because I forgot I had an ARC, whoops.)

Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have done it once again. These two have given me another thriller I could not put down. What was the one all about? Well, I’ll tell you!

Meet the golden couple, Matthew and Marissa Bishop. Their marriage is falling apart, there’s no intimacy, but Marissa wants to save the marriage for the sake of their young son. She seeks out the work of Avery, a therapist.

There’s just one thing about Avery…she lost her license. Why? She’s very unconventional and the board frowns upon that. She has a 10-step method that works, even if that means she spies on her clients. It’s apparent throughout this book how Avery lost her license, but it gives us some good suspense!

Matthew and Marissa are no angels, both hiding things from each other and Avery…except Avery starts to sniff the lies out. Can she save the marriage?

This book is told from Avery’s point of view, as well as Marissa’s, as well as intertwining the past ad present and that gives this book such a unique twist. Phenomenal writing once again from one of my favorite duos!

5 stars.  A suspenseful thriller that will have you glued to the pages, unable to put it down. The tension builds and the pace quickens and you just have to know what is really going on. This one will not disappoint!

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Title: The Golden Couple

Author: Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

Genre(s): Fiction, Mystery, Thriller

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Release Date: March 8, 2022

Find it here on Goodreads

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I'm a wife, mother to 2 children, teacher to those with special needs, quilter, sewing enthusiast, book worm, self-proclaimed foodie, and wannabe rock star! There just aren't enough hours in my day!!

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