Cleaning My TBR #5

Here I go again…3 books at a time from my Goodreads want to read shelf!

Date Added: October 22, 2018

Verdict: KEEP!

Reason: This is based off of a true story and it sounds so intriguing (and sad). She is abused as a small child and finally makes a run for it when she is a teen and is brought into a world where she knows nothing because she’s been so sheltered. Looks so intriguing!

Date Added: October 22, 2018

Verdict: DITCH!

Reason: This is a story about friends who are competing for $15k and a chance to open for the hottest band. Nothing in the synopsis pops out. There’s drinking, rehab, and a baby all involved and it really seems to be all about friendships…I’ll have to pass on this one for now!

Date Added: October 24, 2018

Verdict: DITCH!

Reason: This is one of those where I read the synopsis and go…really? I wanted to read this? Maybe 2 years ago I did, but not now! This follows a man and his ex-wife and they tell their tale, sounding like maybe they get back together?? I don’t know…and I’ll probably never know, haha.

What do you think about my decisions this week??

Cleaning My TBR #4

Welcome back as I slowly go through my TBR, 3 books a time, and let you know if I’m keeping or ditching the book!

Date Added: October 30, 2018

Result: DITCH!

Reason: This is billed as a story that is about guilt, love, family, and memory and eh. A lot of reviews are people saying they couldn’t get into it and were waiting for something to happen that never did…when my want to read list is over 700 books, I don’t think I’ll miss taking this one off.

Dated Added: February 14, 2019

Result: DITCH!

Reason: Yikes. So the story is a kid goes to a prestigious boarding school, moves on to college and well, what did school teach him? There’s some family drama and an old teacher comes back into his life and he reexamines what he knows. To be blunt, I was bored reading the synopsis, so what would that entail for me reading this book…

Date Added: February 23, 2019

Result: DITCH!

Reason: Ok, number one…the cover. Number two, it’s pegged as a mystery, but so many reviews say it’s more of just opinions and thoughts with characters that are easily confused and disjointed. The synopsis sounds great (girl goes missing, her friends investigate and find all kinds of clues) and most all agree with that, the execution of this one failed and for that…buh bye!

Have you read any of these?? Have you cleaned any books off of your TBR list lately??

Cleaning My TBR #3

732. That’s the number of books on my Goodreads want-to-read shelf…yikes.

Added: August 20, 2018

Verdict: OFF

Reason: I just haven’t been feeling police drama/legal novels for awhile now. I have really been into more suspenseful thrillers and chick lit. While this is inspired by a true story which I like, I have a lot more I’d rather read before this!

Added: August 20, 2018

Verdict: OFF

Reason: I honestly have no idea why I would put this on my list. It talks about gangs and other kind of out there things…this one has me scratching my head, this is totally not my kind of book!

Added: August 20, 2018

Verdict: KEEP

Reason: I love Jenny Han. This one may be with kids in middle school, but as you know I do love young adult and while this may be real young…it sounds cute and I’m all for a cute, quick read!

Well…I took 2 out of 3 off, I’ll take it! What are you reading this week??

Clearing My TBR #2

I’m back at it again. I’m still looking at my Amazon Wish List and going through that. This is where I put the books I really want so it’s HARD to take some off…but I managed to take off another few…

Something To Live For by Richard Roper


Sometimes you have to risk everything to find your something…

Andrew works with death for a living. Searching for people’s next of kin and attending the funerals if they don’t have anyone, he’s desperate to avoid the same fate for himself. Which is fine, because he has the perfect wife and 2.4 children waiting at home for him after a long day. At least, that’s what he’s told people.

The truth is, his life isn’t exactly as people think and the little white lie he once told is about to catch up with him.

Because in all Andrew’s efforts to fit in, he’s forgotten one important thing: how to really live. And maybe, it’s about time for him to start.

Why? The blurb kind of sells this one short. I am sure I found this through some rave reviews on here, but if I can’t remember them, then it has to go!

The Silver Sting by Angela Dandy


It has been thirteen years since the elderly residents of Magnolia Court were scammed out of a comfortable retirement by an unscrupulous developer who took their money and ran.

A twist of fate leads Gabby, Uncle Max and Aunt Hetty’s niece to uncover the developer’s whereabouts.

Pointed in the right direction by Gabby, the residents draw on their life skills to overcome one obstacle after another in order to recover what is theirs by right.

No one should underestimate the tenacity and ingenuity of this charming and endearing bunch of senior citizens. Age and infirmity are set aside as they set out on their quest to seek retribution.

In Uncle Max’s own words: “I believe that our little ruse could well go down in history as an example of what can be achieved when people, irrespective of their age, pool their skills and work together as a team. Regrettably, we cannot write the story – none of us would like to spend the rest of our days at Her Majesty’s pleasure – but maybe someday someone will write it for us…”

Why? Meh…this just doesn’t do anything for me. This is one where I read the description and go weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, if it landed in my lap I’d read it ASAP. No, this would collect dust on my Kindle, haha. Like the 30 some odd books I’ve paid for and are just sitting there…doing nothing…it’s a problem, I know!

The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die by April Henry


“Take her out back and finish her off.”

She doesn’t know who she is. She doesn’t know where she is, or why. All she knows when she comes to in a ransacked cabin is that there are two men arguing over whether or not to kill her.

And that she must run.

In her riveting style, April Henry crafts a nail-biting thriller involving murder, identity theft, and biological warfare. Follow Cady and Ty (her accidental savior turned companion), as they race against the clock to stay alive, in The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die.

Why? Again….I have sooooo many more books that peak my interest more than this one, so…it has to go!

Have you been clearing your TBR shelves at all? Should I have kept any of these??

Clearing My TBR #WishList #MomsWhoRead #Reading #TBR

I was motivated by this past Top Ten Tuesday’s topic of, “Books I’ve Added To My TBR & I’ve Forgotten Why” and decided to clean up my Amazon Wish List today! Here is a list of books that I have cut from my TBR…

The Last Stage by Louise Voss


At the peak of her career as lead singer of a legendary 1980s indie band, Meredith Vincent was driven off the international stage by a horrific incident. Now living a quiet existence in a cottage on the grounds of an old stately home, she has put her past behind her and come to terms with her new life.

When a body is found in the manicured gardens of her home, and a series of inexplicable and unsettling events begins to occur, it becomes clear that someone is watching, someone who knows who she is … Someone who wants vengeance.

And this is only the beginning…

Why? It just doesn’t sound appealing to me…a former rockstar living out their life and then has someone seeking revenge? I’m sure it’s a decent book, but I have sooooo many more on my shelf to read before this one!

Changeling (Six Stories, #3) by Matt Wesolowski


On Christmas Eve in 1988, seven-year-old Alfie Marsden vanished in the Wentshire Forest Pass, when a burst tyre forced his father, Sorrel, to stop the car. Leaving the car to summon the emergency services, Sorrel returned to find his son gone. No trace of the child, nor his remains, have ever been found. Alfie Marsden was declared officially dead in 1995.

Elusive online journalist, Scott King, whose ‘Six Stories’ podcasts have become an internet sensation, investigates the disappearance, interviewing six witnesses, including Sorrel, his son and his ex-partner, to try to find out what really happened that fateful night. He takes a journey through the trees of the Wentshire Forest – a place synonymous with strange sightings, and tales of hidden folk who dwell there. He talks to a company that tried and failed to build a development in the forest, and a psychic who claims to know where Alfie is…

Intensely dark, deeply chilling and searingly thought provoking, Changeling is an up-to-the-minute, startling thriller, taking you to places you will never, ever forget.

Why? Hear me out, this one sounds absolutely amazing, but I just don’t feel like starting a series right now. I have a closet full of Baldacci books from my Dad I haven’t touched in a year and have other book series in my possession I need to get through first!

Anything For Her by Jack Jordan


Sometimes the past comes back to haunt you.

Louise Leighton’s life has fallen apart, all because of one fateful night. Her husband is an adulterer, her sister is his mistress, and soon, Louise will lose everything she owns. But she never imagined she would lose her daughter.

Eighteen-year-old Brooke Leighton is missing. It’s up to Louise and the Metropolitan Police to find her. Has Brooke run away? Or has she been taken against her will? And can Louise aid the investigation without mentioning the night where all of her troubles began?

If she mentions that night, she will incriminate her daughter for heinous crimes. But if she doesn’t, she may never find Brooke; and if she has been abducted, the person who took her may come for Louise, too.

Sometimes the past comes back to kill you.

From the global number one bestselling author Jack Jordan, comes this terrifying novel about the secrets we keep, and how the past can only be buried for so long.

Why? Honestly…the cover. Laugh, go ahead…but if I look at all the other books I have on my very, very, VERY long wish list, this would ultimately go to the bottom of the pile. Put it this way, if I were to get this book today, I probably would never read it…there would always be a book ahead of it!

That’s it for now. Maybe next week I’ll take a stab at my Goodreads Want To Read list…I could certainly use a good purge there!!! Have you been cleaning out your TBR lists or do you just let them pile all the way up??

Top Of The TBR: September 14th #WantToRead #TBR #WishList #Reading #Books

I stumbled across this thanks to Literary Elephant.  I love this idea and I’m jumping on board!!  Here is her description of Top Of The TBR (TBR by the way, for those who may not know, means To Be Read)…

But what is Top of the TBR? Good question. It’s a weekly post that will showcase any new books I’ve added to my Goodreads TBR recently, with a short explanation of why each title caught my interest. I’ll aim for 5-10 books per post; in weeks that I’ve added more than that, I’ll hold some back, and in weeks that I don’t have enough, I’ll include titles I haven’t discussed yet. Each title will be linked back to its Goodreads page for anyone interested in exploring further, as I’m not a fan of copy/pasting synopses. Anyone who wants to take part in this series with me is absolutely welcome! Please link back to any of my Top of the TBR posts so I can see what you’re reading!



How I Heard About It: Bookstagram.

Why I Want To Read It: First off, I’m a huge seasonal reader.  I don’t have very much books in my possession for fall/winter reading.  I just finished a book by her and LOVED it, so, hence why it jumped on my list!

Priority: High.  I will probably own this book shortly after its upcoming release!






How I Heard About It: Shalini

Why I Want To Read It: Click on the above link and read the review…then you’ll understand!

Priority: Medium.  It did just drop in price on Amazon from $2.99 to 99cents, so I may have to buy it.  I do have some credits from selecting no rush shipping off Amazon lately!!






I just decided to focus on the last 2 books I’ve added to my TBR list.  Have you read either??  Should I bite the bullet and get either of them right now??  What’s on your TBR list?

Top Of The TBR: August 24th #WishList #TBR #WantToRead

I stumbled across this thanks to Literary Elephant.  I love this idea and I’m jumping on board!!  Here is her description of Top Of The TBR (TBR by the way, for those who may not know, means To Be Read)…

But what is Top of the TBR? Good question. It’s a weekly post that will showcase any new books I’ve added to my Goodreads TBR recently, with a short explanation of why each title caught my interest. I’ll aim for 5-10 books per post; in weeks that I’ve added more than that, I’ll hold some back, and in weeks that I don’t have enough, I’ll include titles I haven’t discussed yet. Each title will be linked back to its Goodreads page for anyone interested in exploring further, as I’m not a fan of copy/pasting synopses. Anyone who wants to take part in this series with me is absolutely welcome! Please link back to any of my Top of the TBR posts so I can see what you’re reading!

Can you believe I have only added ONE book to my TBR list since last week?!?!?  THE RESTRAINT!!!!!!!!!!  


Here’s the synopsis…

When a 911 dispatcher picks up an emergency call to hear her daughter on the line, her worst nightmare becomes reality.

Laurie Ahmadi has worked as a 911 police dispatcher in her quiet Northern California town for almost two decades, but nothing in her nearly twenty years of experience could prepare her for the worst call of her career—her teenage daughter, Jojo, is on the other end of the line. She is drugged, disoriented, and in pain, and even though the whole police department springs into action, there is nothing Laurie can do to help.

Jojo, who has been sexually assaulted, doesn’t remember how she ended up at the home of Kevin Leeds, a pro football player famous for his work with the Citizens Against Police Brutality movement, though she insists he would never hurt her. And she has no idea where her best friend, Harper, who was with her earlier in the evening, could be.

As Jojo and Laurie begin digging into Harper’s private messages on social media to look for clues to her whereabouts, they uncover a conspiracy far bigger than they ever could have imagined. With Kevin’s freedom on the line and the chances of finding Harper unharmed slipping away, Laurie and Jojo begin to realize that they can’t trust anyone to find Harper except themselves, not even the police department they’ve long considered family . . . and time is running out.



I mean, how could you NOT put this on your TBR list!!  What books have you added to your want to read piles?!

Top Of The TBR: August 17th #TBR #WishList #WantToRead

I stumbled across this thanks to Literary Elephant.  I love this idea and I’m jumping on board!!  Here is her description of Top Of The TBR (TBR by the way, for those who may not know, means To Be Read)…

But what is Top of the TBR? Good question. It’s a weekly post that will showcase any new books I’ve added to my Goodreads TBR recently, with a short explanation of why each title caught my interest. I’ll aim for 5-10 books per post; in weeks that I’ve added more than that, I’ll hold some back, and in weeks that I don’t have enough, I’ll include titles I haven’t discussed yet. Each title will be linked back to its Goodreads page for anyone interested in exploring further, as I’m not a fan of copy/pasting synopses. Anyone who wants to take part in this series with me is absolutely welcome! Please link back to any of my Top of the TBR posts so I can see what you’re reading!

Personally, my Goodreads TBR is filled with books that I have entered giveaways for.  My TRUE TBR list is on Amazon.  Here is the last book I added on Amazon…


I’m going a little rogue with not following the exact Top Of The TBR protocol because I would like to vent a little.  I discovered this book through The Bookwormery and fell in love with the review!  Is the book available in the US?  NO!

I can’t tell you how many books I have found that aren’t available in the US.  I know there are books I blog about that aren’t available in other countries and…why is this guys?  I know I can buy on-line through websites and get these books, but in a day and age where technology runs rampant, why are books not more widely available in eformats?

I know not everyone has an ereader, but I would think books could be available world wide with this method easier…I understand there’s a reason why books are limited in release and sometimes only to certain countries, but as a consumer it just frustrates me!

I want to read ALL the books!

I’ve actually debated to research and see if I could pay for use of a library card in the UK to gain access to ebooks.  There are libraries here in the United States that offer paid membership to those who don’t live in the immediate area.  Crazy?  Maybe…but I follow bloggers all over the world and get SOOOOO jealous of the amazing books I see you all post about that I just can’t stinkin’ read without jumping through a hoop!

Anyone else feel this way?  Have you ever come across a book that wasn’t available in your country??

Top Of The TBR: July 20th #WantToRead #TBR

I stumbled across this thanks to Literary Elephant.  I love this idea and I’m jumping on board!!  Here is her description of Top Of The TBR (TBR by the way, for those who may not know, means To Be Read)…

But what is Top of the TBR? Good question. It’s a weekly post that will showcase any new books I’ve added to my Goodreads TBR recently, with a short explanation of why each title caught my interest. I’ll aim for 5-10 books per post; in weeks that I’ve added more than that, I’ll hold some back, and in weeks that I don’t have enough, I’ll include titles I haven’t discussed yet. Each title will be linked back to its Goodreads page for anyone interested in exploring further, as I’m not a fan of copy/pasting synopses. Anyone who wants to take part in this series with me is absolutely welcome! Please link back to any of my Top of the TBR posts so I can see what you’re reading!

Personally, my Goodreads TBR is filled with books that I have entered giveaways for.  My TRUE TBR list is on Amazon.  Here are the last 3 I added to my Amazon Wish List!



How I found it: Melanie’s Reads

Why I added it: “I love a good mystery and this has so many it sent me head into a spin.” – Melanie

Priority: Low. It sounds like an AMAZING read, but this is one that will probably stay on my list until my current shelf dwindles down some.








How I found it: Novelgossip

Why I added it: I first found this through Novelgossip and her review blew me away.

Priority: Medium.  I am really considering cancelling a pre-order that Amazon is messing around on and just ordering this one!  It’s in my cart as we speak!







How I found it: *looks around* I don’t remember!!! I’m fairly certain I saw it in an ad.

Why I added it:  I need more light, fun reads in my TBR pile to break up all the serious thrillers.  I tend to read books like these fast and it’s nice to have a break between serious books!

Priority: Medium.  This is a book included with Prime Reading so when I next need a break between serious reads, this will be at the top of my list!





What books are on top of your TBR list???  Maybe I need to add them to mine! 🙂




Top Of The TBR: July 13th

I stumbled across this thanks to Literary Elephant.  I love this idea and I’m jumping on board!!  Here is her description of Top Of The TBR…

But what is Top of the TBR? Good question. It’s a weekly post that will showcase any new books I’ve added to my Goodreads TBR recently, with a short explanation of why each title caught my interest. I’ll aim for 5-10 books per post; in weeks that I’ve added more than that, I’ll hold some back, and in weeks that I don’t have enough, I’ll include titles I haven’t discussed yet. Each title will be linked back to its Goodreads page for anyone interested in exploring further, as I’m not a fan of copy/pasting synopses. Anyone who wants to take part in this series with me is absolutely welcome! Please link back to any of my Top of the TBR posts so I can see what you’re reading!

Personally, my Goodreads TBR is filled with books that I have entered giveaways for.  My TRUE TBR list is on Amazon.  Here are the last 3 I added to my Amazon Wish List!



How I found it: The Bookwormery

Why I added it: A straight laced woman decides to take life by the horns and go outside of her comfort zone, heck yea, let me read all about that!!

Priority: Low. It is a light rom com read that will be great when I am reading darker stories. Right now with it being summer I am focused on light reads and have a TON to keep up on!






How I found it: Novelgossip

Why I added it: I first found this through Novelgossip and then it blew up in my WordPress feed. When a book gets THAT popular, I want in!

Priority: Medium.  This book sounds like a page turning thriller that I have to read.  I already have a few in front of this one, but it is on my must read list!







How I found it: *looks around* I don’t remember!!!

Why I added it:  I mean…beaches, bonfires, boys, and summer in the Hamptons, do I need to explain this any further?!

Priority: Low.  I am booked with summer reads. This has a 2nd book to it too that I’m sure I’d want to read as well. This will definitely be in my stack for NEXT summer!





What books are on top of your TBR list???  Maybe I need to add them to mine! 🙂