Book Review: Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell

One of my co-workers lent me this book so I have to her to thank for this thrilling read!

The story revolves around Ellie, a 15 year old girl who goes missing. Her mother Laurel has never given up hope, even as she loses her family (and can’t understand why). Her husband leaves her and her other 2 children grow up, leave home, and rarely interact with her. I guess when you lose your “golden child” and shut down, people move on around you.

Ten years go by and Laurel meets a new man who has a young daughter, Poppy. Laurel starts to see herself with this man and adores his little girl. She is still trying to find ways to get her children to talk to her, but nothing works. I really don’t think Laurel truly understands what her actions do.

The story is told in alternating time lines and points of view. I don’t want to get into too much detail because it will give away a little more of the story. But I will say this…I usually can never figure out books and I had this book figured out from the very beginning.

I know a lot of people rave and rave about this book, but I felt it was entirely too predictable and the family drama was dull. Laurel became a crap mother (who truly wished it was her other daughter that went missing) and there you have it. But the way the story is laid out, it’s like, could it be any more obvious (said in my best Joey from Friends voice).

3 stars.  I thought this was just ok. It didn’t do anything for me and the fact that as I kept reading I knew exactly what was happening concerned me. I promise you I had never read this book before, this was just a rare instance in where I felt the writing didn’t lead me anywhere but to exactly what was coming next. Maybe I’m just becoming that good…nah. Haha. If I had not figured out this book, it would have easily been a 5 star read, but the reading just fed right into the next step and I didn’t get enjoyment out of that. Oh well, on to the next one!

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Title: Then She Was Gone

Author: Lisa Jewell

Genre(s): Fiction, Thriller, Mystery

Publisher: Atria Books

Release Date: July 27, 2017

Find it here on Goodreads

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I'm a wife, mother to 2 children, teacher to those with special needs, quilter, sewing enthusiast, book worm, self-proclaimed foodie, and wannabe rock star! There just aren't enough hours in my day!!

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