Book Review: The Last Resort

Thank you to Netgalley, Harlequin, and Graydon House for my advance copy of The Last Resort in exchange for my honest review! (Yeah, yeah, yeah…I’m delayed…AGAIN…I’ve been saying this for years now…but like Eminem, I’M BACK!)

The Last Resort paints us a gorgeous picture of an amazing luxury retreat in the Mayan Rivera. The retreat is for couples and is put on by the most amazing power couple, or so we think, with doctors Miles and Grace Markell. When Miles goes missing, everyone becomes a suspect…

All of the couples at the retreat are full of problems. Couples that don’t truly know each other, couples that fight constantly, and the mystery behind the big power couple that sets crazy rules in place that they themselves don’t follow. So what exactly is going on…

Things just seem out of place and slowly those at the retreat start to see through some things. Can the couples all survive the retreat? It’s a slow build of characters, but let me tell you, you will enjoy the ending. A raging category 4 hurricane comes and ravishes the island and well…karma. Karma!!!

4 stars.  This is one worth picking up. It’s a slow build, but very dramatic. I didn’t have a hard time keeping the couples straight and sometimes when there’s numerous characters that happens, but Stapley does such a great job with her pen that it flows very well. Let me know if you have read this or decide to check it out!

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Title: The Last Resort

Author: Marissa Stapley

Genre(s): Fiction, Mystery, Thriller

Publisher: Graydon House

Release Date: June 18, 2019

Find it here on Goodreads

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I'm a wife, mother to 2 children, teacher to those with special needs, quilter, sewing enthusiast, book worm, self-proclaimed foodie, and wannabe rock star! There just aren't enough hours in my day!!

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