Amazon & The Kindle: Part 3 #Kindle #AmazonPrime #Amazon #Reading #Ebooks #Perks

Welcome to Part 3 of my series…

Amazon Prime & The Kindle (Bonus: Matchbook Pricing)

Here is the biggest perk with Amazon Prime and The Kindle…you do NOT need to own a Kindle to get the perks of the Prime Reading Library…you simply need to have an Amazon Prime Membership and the Kindle app (fun fact: this is how I first got my feet wet with ebooks, I used the app on my phone with some free books through the Prime library and look at me now).

Prime Reading Library

That link will take to Amazon’s Prime Reading Library where you are able to check out up to 10 books at a time!


As long as you see this logo, the book will be checked out for free!!  Sometimes when I’m browsing I will get out of the actual Prime Library so, just be warned if you end up browsing outside of the library…make sure you see THIS logo otherwise it isn’t free with your Prime membership!



Here is something else that is unique and only offered to Amazon Prime members as well…


FirstReadsAt the beginning of every month, Amazon releases some titles early, exclusively for Amazon Prime members!  Each month you can pick ONE book for free and then pre-order others at a discount!  It is an awesome opportunity to read a book before it’s released to the general public!


Amazon First Reads

That link will take you to the page where you can browse each month’s titles.  I get excited when the calendar hits the first of the month because free book time!!!!  Honestly, these offers alone make my Prime membership worth it!


I promised you some bonus content…I want to make sure I cover all my bases and I was reminded to make sure I discuss Amazon’s Matchbook Pricing!  What is that?  If you have bought a print edition of a book through Amazon (not a third party seller), you may be able to purchase the Kindle edition for $2.99 or less!

Here’s a link to more info.

If you follow the link it and are signed in to your account it will automatically pull up Matchbook titles you are able to buy!  Pretty convenient!  **DISCLAIMER: You do NOT need to be a Prime member to enjoy this perk!!!

I hope some of you are finding this helpful and resourceful.  If there is anything else you can think of I need to add, let me know.  If this has helped you, let me know that too!  I wish when you bought a Kindle it came with a helpful tips booklet so this was common knowledge for all!

Tune in next Sunday, August 18th for Part Four: Free Newsletters For Kindle Reads!



Amazon & The Kindle: Part 2 #Kindle #Amazon #KindleTips

Amazon & The Kindle: Part 1

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I'm a wife, mother to 2 children, teacher to those with special needs, quilter, sewing enthusiast, book worm, self-proclaimed foodie, and wannabe rock star! There just aren't enough hours in my day!!

7 thoughts on “Amazon & The Kindle: Part 3 #Kindle #AmazonPrime #Amazon #Reading #Ebooks #Perks”

    1. It’s not every book, but if you go to that site and log in to your account you’ll see them! It’s a pretty neat perk to buying from Amazon!!


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