Book Review: Twenty-one Truths About Love by Matthew Dicks

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for my advance copy of this one in exchange for my honest review (and apologies for the almost 5 year delay, oof).

This story is all about Dan and his life. He is obsessed with lists and thus his tale is told through them. Dan has quit his job teaching, opened a bookstore, has a baby on the way, is irritated at times that his wife is a widow, and the money he’s making isn’t adding up to what he tells his wife.

Oh yeah, his father left him at a young age and he hasn’t really gotten over that. He isn’t dead, he just walked out of his life when his parents got divorced. One of the more common sentences he writes down is, “Mom divorced you, I didn’t divorce you,” which is absolutely heartbreaking.

So, this story is told in the form of lists…which is weird and I never quite got used to it. I did get a little attached to Dan and all his quirks. Personally, this man needs some intensive personal therapy, as well as couples therapy because I’m not even too sure how he’s married. Hopefully his lists are different from how he is with his wife…

3 stars.  I thought this was ok. The list format was different and honestly, he drove me nuts. It felt like complaint after complaint after complaint. He makes references how people comment it’s weird that he’s writing while engaged in conversations with them, and, it is. This whole book was just odd…so be warned if you pick it up!

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Title: Twenty-one Truths About Love

Author: Matthew Dicks

Genre(s): Fiction, Contemporary, Humor, Adult Fiction

Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Release Date: November 19, 2019

Find it here on Goodreads