Top Ten Tuesday: July 28th

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…


I kept thinking what should my topic be today? So I decided…

Top Ten Places I Like To Read

I thought I would start by sharing a few pictures…

At the Splash Pad

At a Camp Ground

Even at night…next to the river!


Local coffee shops

On an airplane

My front porch

There’s nothing else I love more than when I’m on a cruise too and I wake up early and sit on a deck outside in the quiet with a gentle breeze. I was so looking forward to that this past May, but… 😦

I also love curling up on my couch and getting sucked in, especially if it’s cloudy or rainy outside (and living in the desert this does not happen that often). I always make sure to have a book in my hand when I travel though because I love reading in new places, especially when we take our trailer out places!!!

Where are some places to enjoy to read??

Top Ten Tuesday: July 7th

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Authors I’ve Read The Most By

I had to seek out help from Goodreads to help me with this…but there is one author you won’t find on my Goodreads read shelf…

Mary Higgins Clark

I read many works from Mary Higgins Clark as a pre-teen/early teen growing up. My grandmother loved her and I would read her books she had laying around. I have not picked up a book from her in YEARS and recently grabbed a few of her newer books to read. I look forward to reading them!

When I consulted my Goodreads shelf I found out there are quite a few authors I have read 2 or 3 books by…and only ONE that was more than that, standing at 5…that author is…

Elin Hilderbrand

How fascinating…I guess I like to vary the books I read…anywho, if you’re curious who the authors are that I’ve read 3 books by (according to my Goodreads shelf) they are…

Jody Clark, Jenny Han, Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen, Sandie Jones, Kelsey Kingsley, & Beth Reekles

And two…

David Baldacci, Katherine Center, JP Delaney, Teresa Driscoll, Gaby Dunn, Laurie Gelman, Karen Hamilton, Kerry Anne King, Celeste Ng, DJ Palmer, Kristin Rockaway, & Ruth Ware

Who is an author you have read the most books by???

Top Ten Tuesday: June 30th

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Most Anticipated Releases For The Second Half Of 2020

I originally was not going to participate in this meme today, but there is ONE book…ONE book that is on my MUST read list, will have in my hands on release day…I cannot stop THINKING about this one…just this ONE book…this ONE book has caused me agony every day because I keep thinking about it…that’s a lot for just ONE book, right?? Aren’t you dying to know what this ONE book is?!?

OCTOBER WHY AREN’T YOU HERE YET?!?!?!?! This is the LAST book in Elin Hilderbrand’s Paradise trilogy and I am just DYING at how everything will end…she has left us on cliffhangers with the first two and I just need to know how it all ends!!!

What are you most looking forward to being released?

Top Ten Tuesday: June 23rd #HappyBirthdayTTT

That Artsy Reader Girl’s Top Ten Tuesdays is TEN today!!!!! To celebrate the ten year anniversary/birthday of Top Ten Tuesday this week’s topic is…

Past Topic Of Your Choice

I have decided to revisit my very FIRST #TTT post which is back on January 8, 2019. Here’s what the topic was that week…

This week we are highlighting our top ten most anticipated reads of the first half of 2019!  I listed these in scheduled release order!

So I’m going to go back over each book, say if I read the book or not, and give a quick star rating of what I thought of it! Here’s we go…


The Wedding Guest by Jonathan Kellerman

Read (click on title for link to full review): 3 stars


And Then You Were Gone by R. J. Jacobs

I never got around to reading this one…it sounds really good though!


Lovely Little Things by Maureen Joyce Connolly

Oh yes, this one was a GREAT one. With the subject matter it was a little difficult for me to read, but this has stayed with me. Click the title for a link to my full review: 4 stars


The Night Before by Wendy Walker

I have this on my Kindle, it’s a past (over a year) Netgalley title. The plan is to get to this one THIS summer! *fingers crossed*


The Never Game by Jeffrey Deaver

I never got around to reading this, but I am a fan of his work!!


Montauk by Nicola Harrison

I loved this one so much I bought a copy for my grandmother to read! Click the title for a link to my full review: 4 stars


Summer of ’69 by Elin Hilderbrand

You KNOW I read this one by my girl Elin!!! Full review can be found by clicking on the title: 4 stars


Please Send Help by Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin

I remember checking this one out of the library, I loved it so much I read the sequel! The link to my full review can be found by clicking the title: 4 stars


The McAvoy Sisters Book of Secrets by Molly Fader

An emotion read, the full review can be found by clicking on the title: 5 stars


Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center

Another great read, full review found by clicking the title: 5 stars

So overall, I read 7 out of 10 books!!!!!!!!! I’m quite proud of myself!!! What are you doing on this lovely Tuesday?

Top Ten Tuesday: June 16th

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Books On My Summer 2020 TBR

If I read only one of these I’ll be thrilled (I failed MISERABLY with my list I made last summer), haha.

I’m super pumped about this book…it’s arriving on my doorstep today (Happy Publishing Day)!!!!

This sounds like it could be the thriller of the summer!!!

I have The Summer I Turned Pretty and It’s Not Summer Without You sitting on my shelf right now…I won’t start this trilogy until I get We’ll Always Have Summer…learned my lesson after I started her To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before trilogy, haha.

I am currently in line at my local library for this one…I’m number 16 in line with 5 books out for lend. I know it’s going to be a little slower, any time a book is returned it has to sit for 3 days before they touch it. Fingers crossed the line still moves quickly!

I have a stack of Elin Hilderbrand books I’d like to get through this summer too: Beautiful Day, Here’s To Us, Castaways, Barefoot, The Island, and The Identicals. They’re stacked up right next to me, but I have a tendency of grabbing other books and telling myself I’ll read this one next…and then I never do, haha. It’s time for change this summer, I’ll read all of these darn it!

What’s on your summer TBR list????

Top Ten Tuesday: June 9th

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Books I’ve Added To My TBR & I’ve Forgotten Why

Time to bust out the ol’ TBR list and take a look at some…wait, I wanted to read this?? selections (and maybe take them off my list).


On December 26, 1985, at a secluded cabin in upstate New York, Whitley Strieber went siding with his wife and son, ate Christmas dinner leftovers, and went to bed early.

Six hours later, he found himself suddenly awake…and forever changed.

Thus begins the most astonishing true-life odyssey ever recorded — one man’s riveting account of his extraordinary experiences with visitors from”elsewhere”… how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why…

Believe it. Or don’t believe it. But read it — for this gripping story will move you like no other… will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world. 

My Opinion: Who knows, maybe I thought it would be cool to read a book where someone was “abducted” by an alien. I have no idea how I ever came across this one or why…*shrugs*


Lois Clary, a software engineer at a San Francisco robotics company, codes all day and collapses at night. When her favourite sandwich shop closes up, the owners leave her with the starter for their mouthwatering sourdough bread.
Lois becomes the unlikely hero tasked to care for it, bake with it and keep this needy colony of microorganisms alive.  Soon she is baking loaves daily and taking them to the farmer’s market, where an exclusive close-knit club runs the show.
When Lois discovers another, more secret market, aiming to fuse food and technology, a whole other world opens up. But who are these people, exactly?

My Opinion: What? This sounds a look that talks a lot about bread and I’m just not certain why I EVER put this one on my list…it doesn’t appeal to me in the least!


Skinny, nine-year-old orphaned Dores is working in the kitchen of a sugar plantation in 1930s Brazil when in walks a girl who changes everything. Graça, the spoiled daughter of a wealthy sugar baron, is clever, well fed, pretty, and thrillingly ill behaved. Born to wildly different worlds, Dores and Graça quickly bond over shared mischief, and then, on a deeper level, over music.

One has a voice like a songbird; the other feels melodies in her soul and composes lyrics to match. Music will become their shared passion, the source of their partnership and their rivalry, and for each, the only way out of the life to which each was born. But only one of the two is destined to be a star. Their intimate, volatile bond will determine each of their fortunes–and haunt their memories.

Traveling from Brazil’s inland sugar plantations to the rowdy streets of Lapa in Rio de Janeiro, from Los Angeles during the Golden Age of Hollywood back to the irresistible drumbeat of home, The Air You Breathe unfurls a moving portrait of a lifelong friendship–its unparalleled rewards and lasting losses–and considers what we owe to the relationships that shape our lives.

My Opinion: I am not a huge fan of historical fiction…I’ll read it, but it isn’t my favorite genre. The fact that this book is ON my TBR is confusing…usually I’ll come across a historical fiction book and read it to take a break from reading thrillers. This one truly baffles me…


The six stories in The Dunning Man feature anti-heroes who reject society’s rules. Characters from all walks of life—a rogue hip-hop star, a blackjack dealing mom, a middle-aged drunk plowing through his inheritance, and an empty-nester housewife trying to make peace with the past. They each exist in the here and now, living for what’s possible and what’s left—not what they’ve left behind. Redemption awaits all, but only along the rutted, gut-churning path of honest self-examination. Age quod agis.

Set in Atlantic City, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., the Hudson Valley and Manhattan, Fortuna’s stories depict the violent clash between society’s expectations and the chaotic arc of individual destiny. These are powerful tales of truth seekers imbued with larger-than-life personalities and the all-consuming need to find something worth seeking.

My Opinion: Again…I am not a fan of books that are a collection of stories, so it baffles me why I would ever put this on my TBR list. Maybe because it’s a movie??? I have no idea…

Well, I don’t want to make this too long and these are my top 4 that really had me scratching my head…have you read any of these and should I read them?? What books are on your TBR list that have you scratching your head for how they ever got on there??

Top Ten Tuesday: June 2nd

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Books That Give Off Summer Vibes

I’m doing a slightly different spin on this one…here’s what I think a book should have that makes me automatically think of the summer…


My own personal picture of York Beach, Maine

High temps

From Google Images


Google Images: Venice, Italy (where I was supposed to vacation this past May)

Also…if the book is written by…

Elin Hilderbrand

Mary Kay Andrews

What are some books that give you a summer vibe? Any other traits/authors that put you in the summer mood when you’re reading too??

Top Ten Tuesday: May 19th #Thrillers #TTT

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Reasons Why I Love Psychological Thrillers

The prompt was, “reasons why I love…” and I chose psychological thrillers because that is my favorite genre to read from! Here I go…

  1. They get my heart racing
  2. I love the twists and turns
  3. I love guessing to see if I can figure the book out
  4. I love coming up with crazy guesses and then think I should write a book with my outlandish plot twist (haha)
  5. Variety (it’s not always about a relationship or a happy ever after)

I only came up with 5 reasons this week, but I love my thrillers!!

What is your favorite genre to read? Why is it your favorite??

Top Ten Tuesday: May 5th #TTT #TuesdayBookMeme #BookParty #MomsWhoRead #BookBlog

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Ten Things I’d Have At A Bookish Party

What an interesting topic! Here goes…

  2. Hummus & Pita Chips
  3. Chips & Dips (oh yes, I am a dip queen)
  4. Book Raffle Door Prize
  5. Book Exchange (bring a book for an exchange)
  6. Wine (I feel like bookworms enjoy wine)
  7. Bag Of Bookworms (gummy worms in ziploc bag with a tag on them)
  8. Guess That Popular Book game
  9. Blind Date With A Book (pick a book based on description)
  10. Soft music in the background

I got myself excited…I don’t have very many bookish friends, so this party will never happen, but I could see myself scouring thrift stores and the used book store near me for some goodies!!!

What would you have at a book themed party??

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re A Book Lover #BookBlog #MomsWhoRead #ReadMe #Books #Reading #TTT

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for another TTT courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl! This week’s topic is…

Ten Signs You’re A Book Lover

Let me rack my brain and see what I can come up with…

  1. You have books hidden EVERYWHERE…random places, in your car, at work, etc etc.
  2. You pick up a book instead of putting that head down on your pillow…staying up past bedtime just because you have to read!!
  3. You get emotionally invested in fictional characters (mourn for them, lust for them, etc).
  4. You buy more books…even when you have a huge stack of books on your Kindle or bookshelf that you haven’t read yet!
  5. You’re constantly browsing for new books…
  6. You know all the ins & outs of your local library.
  7. You change plans you have because you can’t put a book you’re reading down…(ex. cancel dinner plans with friends to stay in)
  8. You see furniture and think, “Wow, that would make for a great reading chair…that would look great in a book nook!”
  9. A gift card to your favorite book shelf is the ultimate gift for you!
  10. You find yourself distracted by browsing book blogs seeing what everyone else is reading!!!

What are some signs you think that show you’re a book lover??